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Within Year One, we use our three enquiry questions to teach our curriculum throughout the year. The three enquiries all have an overarching question which the children work towards answering. Each term, there is a different driver subject that supports the main body of the enquiry work. This is then complemented by a further two or three enhancer subjects that enable us to deliver the learning through a number of interesting learning experiences. 

Autumn Term - 'A hundred years of change. Was it all good?'

This enquiry is driven by the history of the past 100 years. We explore the changes in transport, clothing, toys and lifestyle, and discuss whether these changes were for the benefit of everyone. We learn all about Neil Armstrong and the 1969 Moon Landing, which was a key historical moment within the past 100 years. Through our DT enhancer, the children have the opportunity to develop their sewing skills by making a hand puppet. 

In English this term, we follow some key texts in order to develop our understanding of how texts are used to present information. We also work on our transcriptional fluency to develop our sentence writing, focussing on finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. 

The key texts, we use this term are:


Spring Term - 'What makes Britain great?'

This enquiry is driven by geography. We learn all about the countries of Great Britain and their capital cities. We also learn about where Bilsthorpe is in the country and its relationship to other major cities. We look at the physical features of our local area. We also learn about David Attenborough as a well known, significant person, whose impact is far-reaching and inspirational. Through our DT enhancer, we will be looking at healthy foods and putting on a traditional British afternoon tea!

In English this term, we follow some key texts in order to develop our understanding of how texts are used to present information. We also continue to work on our transcriptional fluency to develop our sentence writing, focussing on finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.