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Weekly News - 10th November 2022



It has been a fantastic week of commitment and responsibility towards our learning this week. Have a read of some of the things that have been happening in school.

This week, Foundation have been looking at special times that have happened in our local community. They went to the school memorial garden and learnt about Remembrance Day. They practiced showing respect by looking carefully at the large poppy on the ground and the soldier statue.🫡


Year 1 have practised counting using number lines. They have shown their excellent skills at being mighty mathematicians! ➕➖


Year 2 have been investigating which is the best way of transporting water. The children created their own boats out of the different materials before they tested its suitability. 🧑🏼‍🔬


In Computing, Year 3 have been debating whether it is acceptable to play video games that have an age rating higher than your age. They concluded that it is not acceptable and that there are age restrictions for a lot of reasons.💻👾


Year 4 have learnt about the jobs of the organs in the digestive system. Ask them about the journey of the food through the body 🫁🧠🫀


Year 5 have progressed in their swimming sessions. They have been learning about water safety, the correct techniques if they were ever in a life threatening situation and next week they will be wearing tight fitted clothing attempting to mimic what would happen if they were to ever fall in water whilst fully clothed.👖👚


Year 6 have continued to answer their enquiry question: “Is conflict ever justified?” They looked at the key events that led to the Battle of Britain!⁉️🇬🇧


Have a great weekend, Team Bilsthorpe!💙


#flyinghightrust #WeeklyRoundUp #responsibility #perseverance #enjoyment #aspiration