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Autumn Term - 'Is it only when we govern ourselves that we are well governed?'

This enquiry is driven by the history of the Romans in Britain. We explore the invasion of Britain by the Romans, what the Romans influenced when on British land, discuss what are different sources in history and how they can vary in effectiveness. We learn all about Julius Caesar, Claudius and Boudicca, what they did and their involvement in shaping Britain today. Through our DT enhancer, the children have the opportunity to develop their sewing skills by designing and making a toga.


In English this term, we follow some key texts in order to develop our writing ability and how we can change our writing for different types of texts. We will be extending our sentences using subordinating conjunctions and enhancing our sentence openers with fronted adverbials.


The key texts, we use this term are:



Spring Term - 'Have we mastered water or does it master us?'

This enquiry is driven by geography. We learn all about the rivers of the UK, where they are and what course they follow. We learn to read maps and use grid references to find key information and places. We learn about why land has changed over time and why civilisations built cities next to rivers. Alongside this we are learning about the water cycle. We also learn about watercolours through our art enhancer and how to use these whilst creating a piece of art influenced by a river. Through our DT enhancer, we will be looking at healthy foods and creating a meal for others!


In English this term, we follow some key texts in order to develop our writing ability and how we can change our writing for different types of texts. We will continue to extend our sentences using subordinating conjunctions and enhancing our sentence openers with fronted adverbials.


The key texts, we use this term are: