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Every term, we have a new enquiry question to help teach our curriculum throughout the year. These each have different subject drivers. In the Autumn term, there is a History driver. In the Spring term, there is a Geography driver. In the Summer term, there is a Creative Arts driver. These are all taught alongside other curriculum subjects such as RE, PSHE and Computing.

Autumn Term - 'Are Accidents Ever Faultless?'

In the Autumn Term, we are answering this question by focussing our learning on The Great Fire of London through the history curriculum. We will be learning all about the various causes and effects of the event and using this to form an answer to our enquiry question. We will be making models of 1666 houses in DT as we evaluate whether the ways houses were built during this time impacted the spread of The Great Fire of London. To help us understand the impact The Great Fire of London had on people, we will use hot-seating techniques to put ourselves in the places of people who were impacted. We will also be using several historical sources and artefacts, including Samuel Pepys's diary, to compare and contrast different accounts of the event which will help us determine how the fire was caused. In Autumn 2, we will write a newspaper report on The Great Fire of London, collating all the knowledge we have gained throughout our enquiry into a piece of writing. Throughout all of this, we will be discussing our enquiry question 'Are Accidents Ever Faultless' and forming our own opinions.

Key Texts:


Spring Term - 'Where Is The Best Place To Live?'

In the Spring Term, we will be focussing our learning on the geography curriculum to help us answer the enquiry question. We will be learning all about our planet, including the continents and oceans of the world, using a range of maps and resources, learning about the physical and human geographical features that make up the world around us. We will kickstart our enquiry by writing letters to our Kenyan pen pals. Through exchanging these letters, we will be getting a unique insight into what it is like to live in a place so far away which differs greatly from what we know. This will allow us to compare and contrast two vastly different countries and help us draw conclusions to answer our enquiry questions. We will also be making a traditional Kenyan dish called Matoke in DT to further our understanding of life in other countries and cultures. By the end of our enquiry, we will be answering 'Where Is The Best Place To Live?' by using all the knowledge and understanding we have gained throughout the term.

Key Texts: