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Extra-Curricular Clubs

All our extra-curricular clubs run from 3:20 until 4:00pm. Clubs run for the duration of a half-term. Information on new clubs is shared via Class Dojo which is where parents are able to sign their children up.

Autumn term 2023-2024

Performing Arts Club

Performing Arts club provides KS2 pupils with the opportunity to build their confidence in a supportive and welcoming environment. They get to discover the Arts and develop their singing, dancing and acting skills. Each term we focus on rehearsing for a different performance, which is showcased for the rest of the school and for families. Look out for performance dates at the end of every term. 

We look forward to welcoming you as part of our audience. 

Gardening Club

Gardening club takes place on a Thursday after school and provides the children with ample opportunity to care for and look after the school environment. The children will sweep, weed, tidy, plant and keep the middle garden looking beautiful. 

Forest Schools Club

The forest schools club takes place on a Wednesday after school. At the club, children will take their learning outdoors, using materials found outside to craft with and learning more about the environment all around them. 

Homework Club

Homework club takes place on a Thursday and gives children the chance to complete any homework or projects. During this time, there will be access to online learning platforms such as purple mash and TTR's. Children will also have the opportunity to gain reads for the reading challenge with an adult. 

Basketball Club 

Basketball club takes place on a Thursday and focusses on team building and ball skills. This club is open to children from years 3,4,5 and 6. 

Dodgeball Club 

Dodgeball club takes place on a Monday and focusses on team game skills. This club is open to children in Key Stage 1. 

Craft Club 

Craft club takes place on a Wednesday and exposes the children to a range of different craft activities. The children will get creative using a range of materials and create their own artwork to take home. This club is open to children in F2 and Year 1.