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At Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy, Geography is so important that we designate a whole term to the subject. In the Spring term Geography is the driver subject, but it is also taught throughout the year to enhance our other subjects. Geography is celebrated throughout school in our immersive corridors and displays of both local, national and internal maps which show links to the learning that takes place in school.  

When considering locational knowledge, children learn facts about their own village and town in F1 and then the nearby city of Nottingham in F2. We explore England as a country. In Y1 we zoom out further to focus on the United Kingdom and the characteristics of each country that it consists of. In Y2 we explore the UK’s place in the world by looking at the surrounding seas and oceans, as well as exploring the concept of continents and exploring how land use has changed over time. 

Map work is a key part of our disciplinary knowledge. We start in EYFS knowing that information can be drawn from a map. As children progress through KS1 they learn to locate the countries of the UK on a map and then locate the different continents. In KS2, children learn how to use maps to locate different European countries and cities. They also learn how to use four and six-figure grid references and digital mapping software.   

By the end of their time in our school, children will have a good understanding of how to use a range of different maps (including digital maps, globes and atlas) and leave with a breadth of knowledge about different places on our planet with a number of places studied in more depth.  The children will understand how human interactions affect the places in which we live. 

During the spring term our Enquiry homework links to the geography learning and children are encouraged to complete their own creative projects which are showcased at the end of the term. In class, learning is supported by visits and residentials which enhance the children’s learning. Lessons are planned to allow hands on learning and the wider school environment and village are used to further enhance learning.

Take a look at how our enquiry homework supports learning at BFHA:

Take a look at some of our Geography driver displays: