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Prime Areas

In preschool we focus on the prime areas; Personal. Social and Emotional development. Communication and Language Development and Physical Development.

In Personal, Social and Emotional development, we will be helping the children develop an understanding of their emotions, learn how to begin to interact with other children and become aware of how to use their self-help skills.

In Communication and Language Development, we will be carrying out high quality interactions with the children, modelling good language and carrying out different activities to encourage language progression with the children. E.g. nursery rhyme time.

In Physical Development, we will have dedicated time within the day for the children to use their gross motor skills—both indoors and outdoors. This is to enable the children to climb run and travel in different ways, as well as having access to a varfiety of bikes and scooters, etc.


In preschool, children take part in daily pre-phonics learning. We follow Emma Spires 'Super Learning Sounds'. The children take part in listening and attention-focused group times, which involve activities focusing on everyday sounds such as: sounds we hear at home and in our garden, sounds we hear at the farm and sounds we hear at the zoo/jungle.


In preschool, children take part in daily number rhyme time. The children will learn a different number rhyme every week and with the use of props, will learn how to sing the number rhyme and demonstrate number awareness.